We lost an old soul.

I met Hao somewhere between his wedding and when Ana started to take an interest in teaching. We met in a bar somewhere, but my memory is fuzzy because we all liked to drink. What first struck me about him was how real and down to earth he was. He was a great conversationalist and a hugger. I immediately like people who are not afraid to hug. I left that bar thinking that Ana had found her true soul mate, because that’s exactly how she is.

As I got to know Hao, I reveled in his ability to discuss just about anything with anyone. He had the rare gift of being opinionated without being annoying. His endless warmth, generosity, charm, and positive approach to life could make even the most grounded person envious. He was the very definition of a giver. He welcomed me into his home and into his heart.

The last time I saw Hao we had dinner at home in Westchester. His voice had changed, but his mindset had not. He was confronted with the biggest challenge of his life, and he was still the same Hao. While Ana was a mess, Hao was cool as a cucumber.

That night we ate, drank, and laughed in a living room full of the kids' toys, as Mila and Aleksandar decorated me like a Christmas tree. I did not know those would be my last moments with Hao. I gave him a big hug when I left, certain that we would catch up again soon.

The world has lost an old soul in Hao Nguyen. I will miss him dearly.


Gentle soul, kind heart, generous spirit and genuine friend.